Terms of use

Effective as: 31/08/2023

Last update: 08/05/2023

Please read carefully this Terms and conditions (hereinafter, the "Terms") before using this Website (hereinafter, the "Website"). The use of the Website imply the express and unreserved acceptance of all the Terms of these Terms, having the same validity and effectiveness as any contract signed by you in writing. If you do not agree with these Terms, do not access, browse or use the Website.

The following terms and conditions (the "Terms") apply when visiting and browsing this site stripchat.fan

These Terms should be read alongside with our Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy and Marketing Disclaimer. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree with them, kindly exit this site.


We and/or US means Stripchat.fan
You means you who access, browse or use this Stripchat.fan
Partners means the websites which you may be redirected through hyperlinks with whom we have a contractual relationship with

1. Information about this Website

The purpose of these Terms is to establish the conditions in which You can use the Website. For clarity purposes, the term "use" includes, but is not limited to, accessing and browsing through the Website. Any reference to "You" or "Your" means you as a user of the Website. The Website purpose is to browse the content which includes images and text as it provides information for Stripchat, an adult entertainment website. You can browse through our content and click on it. You may be redirected to websites with adult entertainment content. These Terms are not intended to regulate any contractual aspects between us and the user, but just to provide a legal framework for use and access to the Website. We are Stripchat.fan and our purpose is to offer you a great experience while browsing our site.

2. Eligibility and Age

By viewing this site and the Online Content, you confirm that you have read and agree with these Terms and the Policies (each as amended from time to time). Browsers must be 18 (eighteen) years and over in order to be able to access and browse this site. You further warrant that you are eligible to enter into these Terms and you are not prohibited by any authorized authority, judicial order or law into entering into any agreement therefore, that you have the authorization to enter into these terms. All persons who do not meet these criteria are strictly forbidden from accessing, viewing the contents of this site.

3. Viewers Rights and Responsibility:

When using the Website, your responsibilities are, by way of illustration but not limitation, as follows:

3.1. To use the information and content provided to You by the Website in accordance with legislation in force, the principles of good faith and generally accepted usage, and to not contravene, through Your actions in using the Website, public order or the provisions of this Policy.

3.2. In this regard, you undertake to make lawful, diligent, honest and correct use of any information and/or content to which they have access through the Website.

3.3. When using this Website, you must comply with all applicable local, national and international laws including those related to data privacy, international communications and exportation of technical or personal data. We do not accept responsibility for any access from jurisdictions where such use may be contrary to the respective laws or regulations and makes no representations that this Website or any contents herein are appropriate or available for use in any jurisdiction. The content within this website is not intended to be published or made available to any person in any jurisdiction where doing so would result in contravention of any laws or regulations applicable to the user.

3.4. Therefore, the following is hereby expressly prohibited:
  • Any use for unlawful purposes or that may be to the detriment of or prevent, damage and/or overload, in any way, the usage and normal functioning of the Website, or that may adversely affect the Website or any third party either directly or indirectly;
  • Using the Website for fraudulent purposes or purposes in relation to criminal offences or illegal activities of any kind;
  • Introducing or spreading computer viruses that may cause unauthorised alterations to the content or systems that form part of the Website;
  • Sending or distributing content in any other way that may violate legislation in force or infringe any right of any party.
We reserve the right to reject any attempt to access the Website in cases where incorrect use of the Website takes place, or where there is a breach of any of the terms included within this Policy or of any particular terms that may apply. You will be the sole responsible for the use of the Website and for complying with this Policy in its entirety. Any breach of this Policy may give rise to the appropriate civil or criminal proceedings (either extrajudicial or judicial) against You, who must hold US and OUR Partners harmless in respect of any claims, lawsuits and damages they may suffer as a result of such a breach.

3.5. Our Liability and Guarantee


We manage the Website diligently and, therefore, we try, at all times,to maintain complete and accurate information on all the content it offers, updating it at all times.

We expressly decline any liability for errors or omissions in the information contained in the pages of the Website.

We adopted at all times the appropriate measures, in accordance with the state of the art known, to guarantee the correct functioning of the Website and prevent the existence of viruses or computer programs that may cause damage to users.

However, computer security is not infallible and is exposed to certain risks as a result of the inevitable activity carried out by hackers and programmers of viruses or harmful programs.

Therefore, despite the fact that We make every effort to avoid this type of program, and updates its computer and systems security at all times.

We cannot guarantee, nor is it liable for damages and damages suffered by You as a consequence of:

  • Failures or interruptions of the service of the Website;
  • Viruses or computer programs or any elements designed for cyberattack or infiltration of Your computer systems that, inadvertently, may have been installed in them, thanks to or as a result of access to the Website by You;
  • The eventual vulnerability of the Website and the security measures adopted therein;
We reserve the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the Website, the links or the information obtained through it, with no need to give prior notice.

It is hereby prohibited to transmit or send through the Website any illegal or illicit content, computer virus or message that in general may affect or infringe the rights of this website, of any Subsidiary or of third parties.
  • Links to other website
On the Website, the You can find links to other Websites. These links may redirect you to websites with adult entertainment content .We do not have the power to control all the information or content provided by other Websites, so We cannot assume any type of responsibility for their quality and reliability, or for the veracity or adequacy of the content offered.

If You use a link or access a non-proprietary Website You do so intentionally and at your own risk. In this regard, You undertake to exercise the utmost care and caution when accessing or using the content or services of Websites they access through the aforementioned links.

We do not recommend or guarantee any information obtained through a link, nor do we assume responsibility for any losses, claims or damages arising from the use or misuse of a link or for the information obtained through such a link, including other links or Websites, or for the disruption in the service or in the access, or for any attempt to use or misuse a link, whether in accessing the Website or in accessing the information on other Websites from the Website.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property

The intellectual and industrial property rights and the operation and reproduction rights with respect to the Website, including the domain name and all the content available through it, which includes, but is not limited to, its texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property and the hyperlinks from it to other Websites belonging to US and/or OUR Partners are the property of, or have been assigned or licensed to, US or OUR Partners, unless specified otherwise.

The use of the Website does not implies any type of transmission, license or total or partial transfer of said rights by US and/or Our Partners in Your favor nor the authorization to use or exploit such rights publicly.

All names, designs or logos that make up this Website are duly registered trademarks. Any improper use by persons other than the legitimate owner thereof may be prosecuted in accordance with current legislation.

Third-party trademarks and intellectual property rights are prominently displayed and shall be respected by all persons accessing the Website. It is strictly prohibited the suppression or manipulation of the notice of reservation of copyright ("copyright") and any other identification or recognition data of exclusive ownership of the rights of this website and/or ITS partners, in relation to the Website or the protected content found therein.

5. Personal Data Protection

We guarantee that we comply with the personal data protection regulations and, in particular, REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter, the "GDPR") and any other personal data applicable legislation.

In case WE access or process personal data, it will make available to You the related data protection policy, in compliance with the duty of information, so that You may be aware of all the information concerning the processing of their personal data, pursuant to the GDPR. In such cases, in compliance with the prevailing legislation, We will implement the appropriate technical and organisational measures to guarantee an adequate level of security, and to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of any data provided by You. We also warrant that it will comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality regarding the personal data provided by You on the Website. For further information, please consult our Privacy Policy.

6. Duration and Modification

We may modify these Terms, totally or partially, publishing any change in the same way as these general conditions appear. Likewise, We may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, access to the contents of the Website, with no possibility for You to demand any compensation.

7. Termination

You can terminate these Terms at any time by simply ceasing your use on our Website.

8. Nullity Declaration

The eventual declaration of nullity of any / s of the provisions set forth in these General conditions of Use will not reach other provisions not affected by it.

9. Applicable Law. Competent Jurisdiction

This Website, including Your use of the same, and particularly these Terms shall be subject to, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the Cyprus Law, without prejudice to the application of any other regulation issued by the competent authority. For all disputes, actions or claims that may arise regarding the interpretation and application of these Terms, You and US agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Cyprus with express and voluntary waiver to any other jurisdiction. This shall be understood without prejudice to any specific legal provision that may be applicable.

10. Miscellaneous

These Terms, constitute the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the use of the Services. If any provision of these Terms is held to be unenforceable, such provision should be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Failure of the Company to enforce any rights or to take action against you in the event of any breach hereunder shall not be deemed as a waiver of such rights in the event of future breaches.